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Alfredo Rodriguez: A Life in Color tells the story of both an extraordinary artist and a remarkable man.  This book relates for the first time, a detailed story of the artist from his humble beginnings to present day. Filled with love, laughter, tragedy, and above all, art, his story tells of how a life guided by instincts and a total, unshakeable
faith in God can lead a man to fulfill his dreams.  Born and raised in Mexico, in a family of nine children, Alfredo received little formal art instruction.  Nevertheless, painting was as much a part of his childhood development as learning to speak and walk, and his talent became the tool he used to help his family during a time of crisis.  Examples abound, showing how Alfredo was able to turn adversity into opportunities, both artistically and personally, through, what he calls, “the miracles” of his life."
    Limited Edition Collectors Book
    Hard Cover, 192 pages, over 150 color images,
    including a detailed instructional section.
To Purchase call 480-941-9041